Screensavers / StarMessage Moon Phases Screen Saver
moon phases screen savers

More info about the StarMessage Screensaver

Frequently Asked Questions.
How do I install the StarMessage screensaver?
Please follow the step by step procedure in this page:

I do not see the moon phase
Please go to the settings of the screensaver and make sure that the option "Moon Phase" is ticked.
Other reason why you might not see the moon, is that maybe there is no moon on those days (new moon days). Temporally increase the brightness of your monitor to see if a dark blue moon appears in the screen. After a few days the moon will start appearing.

How do I change the default message that is written in the stars?
Go to the settings of the screensaver and change the message.  Press the "More Options" button and go to the "Star Messages" tab and change any other messages that are preconfigured.

The percentage of moon phases are not showing any more.
The scrolling bottom line will show you the percentage of the moon that is illuminated. If this percentage has stopped showing up, go to the settings of the screensaver and make sure that there is some text typed in the bottom line (you can even type a "space" character). If the bottom-line is empty from text, the percentage is not shown.

I get an "error in IniFile Read: too long string"
Please go to the settings of the screensaver and check the message and bottomline texts that you have typed. One or more of them is too long. reduce the length and the problem will stop. If you have typed multiple messages (from the "More Options" button and the "Star Messages" tab), then you must check for their length as well.



How to uninstall the StarMessage screensaver
1) Go to the "About" tab of the program and select "Uninstall".
Or, go to the Control Panel, Add/Remove programs and select StarMessage Screen Saver from the list of the installed programs and press the Add/Remove button to start the removal.

2) Choose the "Custom" uninstall option and select all the files. In some cases the uninstall information might get lost (especially if you don't select the "custom" option mentioned above. You might get the error "cannot open install.log" file.
For those cases, you can manually delete the starmessage files to uninstall the screensaver.
Find and delete all the "starmsg.*" files from your hard disk.
Use the search and specify the option to "search for ALL files", if such an option exists in the specific version of your windows.
The files that should be found and can be safely deleted are:


You do NOT need to delete any other files. There is not a specific folder for the screensaver and you should NOT delete any folder.

On which operating systems and computers does the software run?
This software is compatible with all the 32 bit versions of Microsoft windows, including Vista. Please download the latest version of the software.
downloads for windows 95 and windows 98 - current  moon phasessoftware for windows NTsoftware for windows MEsoftware for windows 2000downloads for windows XP
Does your software run on MacOS,MacOSX / Macintosh /Apple computers?
As you can see both in the main product pages and in the ordering pages, the software is designed to work on Windows operating system. There are no planned versions for MacOS and Macintosh computers. If you have a windows simulation program installed on your Apple/MAC computer, you can try the free version of the program to see if its runs on your Macintosh.

When trying to install the program, I get a remark about an "unknown publisher".
download from internet security warning unknown publisherThis remark automatically comes out from windows XP whenever you download programs from the internet and the program is not "digitally signed by an established authority". The procedure to "digitally sign" a program is very expensive and not used by mid/small sized companies. Only big companies can afford to digitally sign their programs. Therefore, the majority of the programs available for download, will also show this message.







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